Saving souls and sunshine Spinning tales and sunrises Shaking worlds and sunsets Seducing hearts Screaming
Screaming softly in silence Sailing slowly through situations That sometimes seem to slip away Slipping in deep sleep so desperately needed it hurts Showing up Showing out Showing off Because you got it Setting off to sail the seas Seeing Seeing love Seeing light Seeing life Stopping and salivating in the silence Silently waiting for something Something Something is coming Moving Moving in silence Making moves Making moves through moments meant to move us Making love Making the most out of morsels Mimicking mommy’s moves Maneuvering mommy’s mistakes to miss the repetitions Masking Masking what makes me me and Making mirror images Multiplying those mindless mirrors and masquerading it as music Music Music Making more music Making more music that moves mountains Moving mountains Mysteriously Mysterious mumbles at midnight that mark memories Marking moments Marking the world Introducing Introducing illusions to idle eyes Idle eyes so innocent Innocent idle eyes that idolize illusions Illusions illustrated by idols Idols who forge identities Internalizing incredible words from individuals with ill intents Intending Intentions becoming insignificant in retrospect Imagine Imagine introducing genuine images Imagine Imagine Imagine Love Love languages Love languages lost in Lingering Lyrics
Living life like the least of these
Loving every little light that helps you live life
Letting go
Letting go of the lost love
Learning to love the love that lives within
Leaning on the everlasting love
Learning the lesson the last time and
Leaping onto the next level
Levels to life
Levels to love
Levels to learning
Lifting our dreams to the luminous skies
Looking for leaders to levitate our lassitude
Lest we succumb to our lethargy
Leaving us lifeless and lost
Longing for joy
Lifting ourselves up
Learning to love again
Learning to love
Eluding to enormous elevations Exciting Explaining to everyone though they never quiet understand it Elevating
Elevating beyond approval
Enraptured in the evidence that you are an enigma
Epitomizing true freedom No longer exaggerating etiquette to evince normalcy
Ending cycles
Ending pain
Ending the urge to expend energy on the unnecessary
Expediting the process of evolving
Enough So.... Smile.

- Woods
Lighting up the woods, one Syllable at a time